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Instructor-  Keith Fisher



Automotive Services Technology I is a one year course that encompasses the sub topics of the NATEF/ASE identified areas of Steering and Suspension and Braking Systems. Additional areas of manual transmissions, differentials, automatic transmissions, air conditioning, and engine repair will be covered as time permits.



Learning Objectives: 

Apply personal safety practices in the shop, with tools and equipment

  • Perform basic vehicle maintenance and component identification

  • Disassemble and identify the parts of as well as reassemble an automotive engine

  • Correctly identify fasteners and allocate proper tools for repair

  • Identify components of and repair disc and drum brake systems

  • Identify tire wear patterns and determine suspension adjustments needed

  • Mount and balance automotive tires

  • Perform basic engine and chassis electrical tests

  • Use hard copy and computer based repair manuals for testing, maintenance and wiring diagnosis


Additional Supplies:

Spiral Notebook

Uniform Shirt


Credits & Certifications:​

Ivy Tech Duel Credits

Automotive ASE-Service Certification

Valvoline Certification

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